[TechNewsDaily – via NBC]
How could Apple nail it so well with the iPhone 5 (some Wi-Fi and possible battery problems notwithstanding), but blow it so badly with Maps? A lot of it came from failed negotiations with Google, but Apple also has a long history of messing up online services. And global mapping is an especially complex service.
[Read the rest of Maps Just Latest Apple Online Service Fail]
Maps Just Latest Apple Online Service Fail (Viewpoint)
How an Accessory Maker Guessed Right on the iPhone 5 and Wrong on the iPad Mini
[FOX] Inside is a glittering showroom of sorts (called the “Dream Gallery”) displaying every product the company has made. It also included 25 case models for the new iPhone 5 and one for the iPad Mini — manufactured and ready to go well before Apple’s latest smartphone had been unveiled — and before the rumored tablet failed to materialize.
Meet the naked cowboy of iPhone repairmen
[Fox] “Sometimes they drop them as soon as they walk out of the store,” said Gopal Gupta, a muscle-bound 42-year-old repairman sitting shirtless at a table in the pedestrian section of Broadway near 34th Street here. iPhone innards were spread before him as a customer who gave his name as Richard looked on.
Victim Jessica Redfield Personifies Denver Theater Shooting on Twitter
[TechNewsDaily – via NBC]
But one Twitter handle has also been prominent — that of Jessica Redfield (@JessicaRedfield), one of the deceased. Redfield, whose legal last name was Ghawi, was a Denver sports reporter and Texas transplant with a special passion for hockey. And she had a lot of friends on the social network, with 2,715 followers.
[Read the rest of Victim Jessica Redfield Personifies Denver Theater Shooting on Twitter]
‘Twittamentary’ Uses Twitter to Tell American Stories
[TND] The movie is a road-trip documentary, from New York City to Los Angeles, that uses the Twitter to trace the stories of Americans across the country — from a stock trader to a homeless woman, from an improv comedian to a hooker.
Siok Siok, a Singaporean TV producer, came to the U.S. to tell the stories of people who caught her attention on Twitter. “There’s very little shots of the computer,” said Siok (@sioksiok) after the screening. In fact, one can understand the film even if they have never tweeted, since the focus is on the people who meet on Twitter, not on how they use the technology.
[Read the rest of ‘Twittamentary’ Uses Twitter to Tell American Stories]
The Internet Was Invented in 1934 (Sorta)
[TechNewsDaily via Yahoo News]
Forget Al Gore. The Internet — at least as a concept — was invented nearly a century ago by a Belgian information expert named Paul Otlet imagining where telephones and television might someday go.
That was one of the topics in a wild discussion on the history of the Internet, and its future, at the recent World Science Festival in New York City.
[Read the rest of The Internet Was Invented in 1934 (Sorta)]
Occupiers open Free University
[Salon] While reports were bouncing around Twitter about vandalism in San Francisco and arrests on New York City’s Williamsburg Bridge, birds were chirping in Madison Square Park where perhaps several thousand students (by organizers’ estimates) were attending nearly 100 open-air lectures and workshops in an event dubbed “The Free University.”
Did May Day succeed?
[Salon] In the home city of Occupy Wall Street yesterday, myriad activities dominated three iconic public spaces — Bryant Park near Times Square, Madison Square Park in view of the Flatiron Building, and Union Square, roughly straddling the East and West Villages.
An end-of-day march then filled the lower part of Broadway en route to Wall Street, running up to 18 blocks long with as many as 30,000 participants, said organizers. (And whether or not the numbers are too high, the magnitude of the claim seems about right.)
Artists on strike!
[Salon] Occupy Wall Street has drifted far from those early whimsical days. With militant chanting, cries of “F— the pigs,” mass arrests and charges of police brutality, the movement has taken on a warlike air. But art, performance and even comedy have been another part of it since the beginning — something that many participants are trying to bring back.
Hands On: New Mac Mountain Lion OS Spotlights Sharing
[FOX] Short story: It brings much of the iPad experience to laptops and desktops – carrying over features such as the Notes, Reminders, the Game Center app for online gaming and an iMessage app that so far has worked only between Apple’s mobile devices.