Category Archives: Popular Science

Safer Nuclear

Six Generation III+ reactors set for the U.S. [Popular Science. Read Original] The Big Picture: It’s nearly impossible to imagine making meaningful carbon dioxide reductions without designing safer, cleaner reactors and rolling them out immediately — because no one wants … Continue reading

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Heart Healer

An artery-fixing tool does its job, then fades away [Popular Science. Read Original] Every year, 800,000 Americans elect to have a tiny metal-mesh tube inserted into their coronary artery to prop it open and improve blood flow to cardiac muscle … Continue reading

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Getting Climate Science Right

Denmark calls a global conference, and puts an American in charge [Popular Science. Read Original] Katherine Richardson is atypical. This American oceanographer is thriving at the University of Copenhagen, where she serves as Vice Dean of Science. In the genteel … Continue reading

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Stevie Wonder: Geek Musician

Tech-savvy artist pushes for gadgets that everyone can use [Popular Science. Read Original] Twenty-two-time Grammy winner Stevie Wonder has created new sounds, even genres, by absorbing and reshaping every musical and audio technology he’s encountered.

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Prius in the Sky

A new competition aims to inspire the 100mpg personal plane [Popular Science. Read Original] Imagine a ’57 Chevy cruising through the air, and you get an idea of what single-engine, propeller-driven airplanes do to the environment. The average private plane, … Continue reading

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Turning Black Coal Green

A radical new power plant aims to convert our dirtiest fossil fuel into clean-burning hydrogen [Popular Science. Read Original] Big lumps of sooty coal hardly seem like the future of energy, but that’s exactly what the U.S. Department of Energy … Continue reading

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