Category Archives: Publications

Should You Get an Extended Warranty?

 [Swtiched. Read Original] Burning question: Should I pay extra for an extended warranty? The short answer: No. The much-longer answer: Probably not, though it depends on what you buy, what the plan covers, and how techie you are. We do … Continue reading

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Heart Healer

An artery-fixing tool does its job, then fades away [Popular Science. Read Original] Every year, 800,000 Americans elect to have a tiny metal-mesh tube inserted into their coronary artery to prop it open and improve blood flow to cardiac muscle … Continue reading

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17 Ways You Might Be Breaking the Law (With Your Tech)

[Switched. Read Original] In 1998, New York’s then mayor Rudy Giuliani created uproar when he proposed a zero-tolerance crime policy that included nabbing people for jaywalking. Anyone who’s strolled New York knows that jaywalking is as common as hot dog … Continue reading

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Getting Climate Science Right

Denmark calls a global conference, and puts an American in charge [Popular Science. Read Original] Katherine Richardson is atypical. This American oceanographer is thriving at the University of Copenhagen, where she serves as Vice Dean of Science. In the genteel … Continue reading

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Stevie Wonder: Geek Musician

Tech-savvy artist pushes for gadgets that everyone can use [Popular Science. Read Original] Twenty-two-time Grammy winner Stevie Wonder has created new sounds, even genres, by absorbing and reshaping every musical and audio technology he’s encountered.

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Prius in the Sky

A new competition aims to inspire the 100mpg personal plane [Popular Science. Read Original] Imagine a ’57 Chevy cruising through the air, and you get an idea of what single-engine, propeller-driven airplanes do to the environment. The average private plane, … Continue reading

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Turning Black Coal Green

A radical new power plant aims to convert our dirtiest fossil fuel into clean-burning hydrogen [Popular Science. Read Original] Big lumps of sooty coal hardly seem like the future of energy, but that’s exactly what the U.S. Department of Energy … Continue reading

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Need a Tuneup? Become a Hacker

[New York Times] Brawn beat brains in the old days of automobiles. To make cars faster, people bolted bigger air intakes, carburetors and exhaust pipes onto giant muscle car engines. Tuning adjustments were simple, requiring only screwdrivers and wrenches. In … Continue reading

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Get Your Daily Plague Forecast

[Wired] The new Healthmap website digests information from a variety of sources ranging from the World Health Organization to Google News and plots the spread of about 50 diseases on a continually updated global map. It was developed as a … Continue reading

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Picking a Picture

[New York Times] In the old days of digital television, a year or two ago, choices were simple. If the screen measured under 37 inches diagonally, it would be a liquid-crystal-display panel. From about 37 to 43 inches, it would … Continue reading

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