Category Archives: Publications

Serendipity, Guaranteed

New tech doesn’t leave chance encounters to chance. [Technologizer. See Original] Serendipity is wonderful, but it doesn’t happen often. For every enriching coincidence – meeting someone who becomes a lifelong friend or lifelong partner, finding that fantastic hidden restaurant – we … Continue reading

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The Brave New World of Mobile Phone Privacy

Marketers’ plans to track you may not be nefarious. But they sure can feel that way. [PC World, May 20, 2011. See Orignal] When Apple sneezes, the world takes interest in ear-nose-throat medicine. So upon learning that their iPhones have … Continue reading

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Rule One: Don’t Mess With How People Do Things

[Technologizer. Read Original] Recently, I drove a Mini Cooper for the first time. (Rented from Zipcar for $13/hour. Not bad.) That’s not news, obviously. They’ve been around forever. But it taught me something very important about product design: It’s really hard–and … Continue reading

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Cutting the Cable-TV Cord? Maybe Some Day

Fear and rebutting at the Future of TV conference in New York City [Technologizer. Read Original] Cord cutting–getting rid of cable or satellite TV–is the buzzword du jour in the TV and electronics industries. Pundits have proclaimed TV dead, or … Continue reading

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Is the Web Going Away? Or is It Going All Over the Place?

When Wired hyperbolically declared that “The Web is Dead,” it didn’t challenge my worldview but rather surfaced what I knew subconsciously. The browser is not always (and increasingly less so) the best window to the Internet — especially on mobile … Continue reading

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What Best Buy can learn from Bed Bath & Beyond

I was walking around Best Buy last night (yeah, that’s what geek guys do) and noting the deplorable state of the store. In addition to the overall “man cave” aesthetic, it was just plain messy, like a forlorn hardware store. … Continue reading

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Consumers Put 3D TV to the Test

Do real people think 3D movies, sports, and shows are neat? Sure. But that doesn’t mean they’re ready to plunk down money. [Technologizer. Read Original] We’re hearing a lot about 3D television these days– from TV manufacturers, directors, journalists and … Continue reading

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MoSoSo 101: Checking in With Foursquare, Yelp and Location-Based Apps

[Switched. Read Original] The social media fast lane is heating up with real-time location updates. Apps now tap into your cell phone’s GPS to track where you and your friends are, and, more importantly, what’s happening nearby. Now that the … Continue reading

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Safer Nuclear

Six Generation III+ reactors set for the U.S. [Popular Science. Read Original] The Big Picture: It’s nearly impossible to imagine making meaningful carbon dioxide reductions without designing safer, cleaner reactors and rolling them out immediately — because no one wants … Continue reading

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The 5 Greatest Planet-Exploring Robots

[Swicthed. Read Original] If its mission succeeds in 2012, NASA’s latest Mars rover, the newly christened Curiosity will join an elite group of robots that have managed to touch down safely on an alien world. Click through to see Curiosity’s … Continue reading

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