Category Archives: Publications

What To Expect From iOS 5

[Fast Company] For most of the 16.4 million Americans with an iPhone 4 or iPhone 3Gs, according to ComScore, as well as iPads and recent iPods, the real news from Cupertino today is what they’ll get for free by downloading … Continue reading

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Amazon Channels Apple At Kindle Fire Launch

[Fast Company] The founder and CEO paced across the stage before a massive screen displaying the company’s achievements in recent years–skyrocketing sales of media and a heritage of innovative, beloved gadgets. Steve Jobs? Could be. Or it could be Amazon … Continue reading

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Make Your Smartphone Smarter

[Wall Street Journal] We love our iPhones and Androids. And “we” doesn’t just mean tech geeks. Virtually all Americans (kids too) have mobile phones. And 40 percent of them have smartphones. That number keeps growing—fast. And tablets (read: iPads) are … Continue reading

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A Web-Fomented Protest On Wall Street Is Louder Online Than Off

[Fast Company] A modest, recession-inspired demonstration grabs plenty of online attention. Is the future of activism more digital than physical? Fast Company goes inside the Sept. 17 OccupyWallStreet demonstration in New York (and follows reactions online) to find out. [Read … Continue reading

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Android Is Having A Cinderella Moment

[Fast Company] For years, the Android smartphone operating system stood as the neglected stepsister aside the iPhone’s radiant, beloved iOS. Tens of thousands of suitors–app developers including large corporations and rising creative talents–hurried first to build something for iOS phones. … Continue reading

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Publishers Are Mining Solid-Gold From Apple And Amazon’s Nugget-Sized Reads

[Fast Company] Try explaining an e-book to a Luddite. How would you describe it? Well, it’s a book–a novel, a biography, some textbook or tome in a digital form. That definition needs a rewrite, now. This week Apple introduced a … Continue reading

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Dashboard Your Life

Tame the tangle of bills, finances and frequent-flier miles by visiting only a few websites instead of 20 [WSJ] They tower ominously, mocking our lax responsibility. They are the stacks of bills, account statements and frequent-flier updates. Even going paperless doesn’t … Continue reading

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The One-Stop Personal Finance Site Is Coming–Pay Bills!

[Fast Company] Most personal finance sites let consumers look but not touch–they can view bills but not pay them. Tech startups and a few brave banks are slowly trying to change all of that. Managing personal finances probably isn’t on … Continue reading

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The Search For What Clicks In The New Digital Singles Scene

[Fast Company] Online dating startups are using quirky concepts, and emerging technology—from facial recognition to geolocation—to challenge traditional predecessors like and eHarmony. Where’s the love and where’s the money? [Read the rest of The Search For What Clicks]  

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CES: Cloudy With A Chance Of Social

[Fast Company] Why are these gadget geeks more excited about web services than the hard, shiny objects that usually arouse nerd desire? It turns out to be a growing trend in the tech world, one that the Consumer Electronics Association … Continue reading

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