Category Archives: Publications

Occupy SOPA: Inside the New York Protests

[TechNewsDaily – via NBC] The protest largely became a defense of the First Amendment. “I am opposed to any law – especially very badly written laws – that infringe on our country’s basic rights to freedom of speech and freedom … Continue reading

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Occupy Geeks Are Building a Facebook for the 99%

[Wired] “I don’t want to say we’re making our own Facebook. But, we’re making our own Facebook,” said Ed Knutson, a web and mobile app developer who joined a team of activist-geeks redesigning social networking for the era of global … Continue reading

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Occupy Goes to Washington, Finding Politics is Complicated

[Wired] With most of the largest protest encampments around the country dismantled by the authorities, D.C. has two Occupy encampments — largely left unbothered by federal authorities — which are now the liveliest venue for the movement’s experimentation with methods … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street Prepares for Its Valley Forge

[Wired] “If this is the revolution, this is our Valley Forge,” said a doughy, middle-aged man with frazzled long brown hair. I was shivering when we spoke at 7:30 a.m. Thursday morning — as I had been shivering for the … Continue reading

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Seven Essential Apps for Your Sales Team

[Entrepreneur] Salespeople need not only charm and have a strong nerve, but also be extraordinarily organized. That first meeting with a client might not go anywhere if you don’t remember to follow up in a timely manner. And if you … Continue reading

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Exclusive Video: Tension, Dissension and Construction in Occupied DC

[Wired] “Eat your heart out Zuccotti!” exclaimed Sophie Vic, chiding the far-more-celebrated former occupiers of Zuccotti Park in Manhattan. Vic was literally jumping with excitement as compatriots assembled a 24-by-24-by-17-foot wooden meeting hall designed to hold 100 people. [Read the … Continue reading

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Inside Occupy Wall Street’s Growing Student Protests

[Wired] A wide swath of New York City students are angry about debt, tuition hikes and what many consider to be a lack of openness from the administrations of public and private colleges. Students have been a major force in … Continue reading

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Tim Pool And Henry Ferry: The Men Behind Occupy Wall Street’s Live Stream

[Fast Company] The best ground view of Occupy Wall Street comes from a former skateboard videographer and a one-time Realtor, aka Tim Pool and Henry Ferry of The Other 99. With little more than mobile phones they’ve offered a perspective … Continue reading

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Inside Occupy Wall Street’s (Kinda) Secret Media HQ

[Wired] The revolution may never be televised, but if Occupy activists in a semi-secret media war room in New York’s Bowery district have their way, it will be live streamed. visited the sorta-secret Media HQ in Manhattan last week … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street Moved Out Of Zuccotti A Long Time Ago

[Fast Company] The overwhelming sentiment expressed by the occupiers: This changes nothing. They said they may find another spot (although that was proving difficult after eviction from a backup location). Or they may be physically disbanded. But it was hard … Continue reading

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