Category Archives: Publications

The Political Dumpster Fire Of Net Neutrality Is Just Heating Up

After the FCC’s vote to scrap its net neutrality regulations, activists will turn to lawsuits, Congress—and the 2018 election. (Read more on Fast Company)

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Why The FCC’s Free-Market Argument For Repealing Net Neutrality Doesn’t Hold Up

In making the case that most Americans have multiple, competing broadband providers, the government acknowledges that up to almost 50 percent of them do not. (Read more on Fast Company)

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The AI Guru Behind Amazon, Uber, and Unity Explains What AI Really Is

Computers aren’t conscious, but they can now think for themselves, says Danny Lange, who’s built machine-learning platforms for three tech giants. (Read more on Fast Company)

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Where This Supercomputer Is Going, There Are No Hard Drives

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is building The Machine to solve both big science and big data problems, using some technologies that don’t quite exist yet. (Read more on Fast Company)

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This Chatbot Is Trying Hard To Look And Feel Like Us

Modeled on a real person and equipped with a virtual “nervous system,” Autodesk’s AVA is built to be a font of empathy, no matter how mean a customer gets. (Read more on Fast Company)

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This AI Startup Wants To Automate Every Store Like Amazon Go

San Francisco-based Poly launched a camera and AI system with the aim of turning convenience stores into automated-checkout mini-marts. (Read more on Fast Company)

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How The Red Cross Has Survived In Crisis Mode For 150 Years

The ICRC has had to develop a management structure, policies, staff benefits, and all the other mechanics of a large company, with the added demand of operating in constant crisis mode. (Read more on Fast Company.)

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How autonomous car technology can help GE’s freight trains run better

A locomotive is a 30-year investment, and until now there hasn’t been much drive to upgrade the industry on a faster timescale. But the progress of artificial intelligence in self-driving cars and trucks, and even in consumer apps, is putting … Continue reading

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Lyft’s biggest AI challenge is getting engineers up to speed

It’s not so important to find people with years of experience, says Gil Arditi — which is good, because very few people have that experience. Expanding machine learning just requires finding more people who are willing to learn. (Read more … Continue reading

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Pop-Up Disaster Relief Groups Are Navigating A Devastated Puerto Rico

Now groups founded in the wake of Harvey and Irma have crossed 1,000 miles of ocean to devastated Puerto Rico. They are also organizing efforts for the U.S. Virgin Islands. (Read more on Fast Company.)

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