Category Archives: Publications

This new tech makes it harder for ISPs to spy on you

Web companies and browser makers are rolling out encryption that can obscure the identity of many–though not yet all–of the websites you visit. (Read more on Fast Company.)

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Quantum computing is almost ready for business, startup says

In launching its own online service, the Berkeley-based upstart Rigetti aspires to be the Amazon of cloud-based quantum computing. (Read on Fast Company)

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This San Francisco mini-mart is the hottest Amazon Go rival yet

Grab-and-go convenience comes to a full-scale market in a challenging part of town. (Read more on Fast Company)

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How California’s super-strict net neutrality law reached the home stretch

It’s been a tough fight, with one near-fatal stumble, but California’s assembly just passed what are undoubtedly the strictest protections for net neutrality in the country–if not the world. (Fast Company)

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This high-tech 911 helicopter could be the next step to flying cars

Starting with an emergency dispatch service, a new startup aims to gradually develop technologies required to become the Uber of autonomous flight. (Fast Company)

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Nikon’s new mirrorless cameras put another nail in the DSLR’s coffin

The venerable camera brand aims for a comeback by adopting rival Sony’s strategy. (Fast Company)

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Zippin is the first Amazon Go rival to open an automated checkout store

A Bay Area startup has launched a small public demo in San Francisco that will grow into a full-sized AI-driven convenience store in the coming months. (Read on Fast Company)

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Across Silicon Valley, cities may tax big tech to help struggling renters

San Francisco, East Palo Alto, and Google’s home of Mountain View are each putting housing assistance proposals on the November ballot. (Fast Company)

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Can emotional AI make Anki’s new robot into a lovable companion?

Known for its hyperactive toys, the company spent years developing technologies to tackle its greatest challenge yet–subtlety. (Read on Fast Company.)

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Tech firms are offering to help secure the U.S. elections for free or at a discount

From titans like Google to specialist security firms, they are offering pro-bono and discount security help to US election authorities. (Read on Fast Company.)

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