Category Archives: Fast Company
Publishers Are Mining Solid-Gold From Apple And Amazon’s Nugget-Sized Reads
[Fast Company] Try explaining an e-book to a Luddite. How would you describe it? Well, it’s a book–a novel, a biography, some textbook or tome in a digital form. That definition needs a rewrite, now. This week Apple introduced a … Continue reading
The One-Stop Personal Finance Site Is Coming–Pay Bills!
[Fast Company] Most personal finance sites let consumers look but not touch–they can view bills but not pay them. Tech startups and a few brave banks are slowly trying to change all of that. Managing personal finances probably isn’t on … Continue reading
The Search For What Clicks In The New Digital Singles Scene
[Fast Company] Online dating startups are using quirky concepts, and emerging technology—from facial recognition to geolocation—to challenge traditional predecessors like and eHarmony. Where’s the love and where’s the money? [Read the rest of The Search For What Clicks]
CES: Cloudy With A Chance Of Social
[Fast Company] Why are these gadget geeks more excited about web services than the hard, shiny objects that usually arouse nerd desire? It turns out to be a growing trend in the tech world, one that the Consumer Electronics Association … Continue reading