Category Archives: Fast Company
How The World Will Transform Once There Are Environmental Sensors Everywhere
As sensors become small and cheap, we’re creating a global network of environmental data collection to help us figure out the best ways to quickly cut emissions. (Read about environmental sensors on Fast Company.)
Women Are Doing Better In The Star Wars Galaxy Than In This One
With Rey, Leia, Maz, and Phasma, women have achieved equality in The Force Awakens. Data shows they’ve made less progress on this planet. (Read more about women of Star Wars on Fast Company.)
The Top Three Online Security Menaces You Should Worry About In 2016
Smartphones and a profusion of connected gadgets will be prime hunting ground for hackers. And Apple products are not immune. (Read about online security on Fast Company.)
“The Force Awakens” Embraces Millennials Without Pandering
J.J. Abrams’s take on Star Wars reboots the story for a new generation, but avoids over-flattering them. (Read about Star Wars on Fast Company.)
IBM Opens Its Artificial Mind to the World
Real AI isn’t about building a know-it-all computer, but rather one that’s a good learner, able to sort overwhelming amounts of data, and diligently catalog recurring patterns. For example, while working with sensor readings and other flight data from airliners, … Continue reading
Analyzing the Subtle Bias in Tech Companies’ Recruiting Emails
According to linguist and cognitive scientist Kieran Snyder, empty words in documents like job descriptions could be precisely what’s hurting diversity, by discouraging people from even applying. “Everybody hates that language, but underrepresented people hate it more, probably because it’s … Continue reading
This App Provides the Care for Depression Patients That Their Doctors Don’t
“We’re throwing pills at the problem, but we’re not giving people something to go along with those pills, which is namely the software that helps them understand: Is this working for them?” says Thomas Goetz, cofounder of patient-focused healthcare startup … Continue reading
How Video Chat App Glide Got Deaf People Talking
Glide is far from the first video-chat service: Skype was founded a dozen years ago, and FaceTime debuted on the iPhone 4 in 2010. And of course Snapchat has video. But Glide has one killer feature for deaf people: the … Continue reading
GE Wants to Move All Your Health Data to the Cloud
GE Healthcare just introduced its candidate for that holy grail: a service called GE Health Cloud that will link up medical devices around the world, process the data, and store patient records securely online so they can be viewed from … Continue reading
How This Startup Solves Our Too-Much Data Problem
When I ask Rozan if he’s talking about compression, treating something such as temperature readings like the musical notes that get squeezed into an MP3 file, he says that’s not efficient or fast enough. While Teraki isn’t taking an MP3 approach, … Continue reading